Year 3 Results - Dynamic Challenges & Updates

6/14/2024 3:15:30 PM ET   SAE AutoDrive Challenge Series

Hello, AutoDrive Challengeā„¢ II Teams!

We are pleased to share the results of our Year 3 dynamic challenges!!

In the Year 3 Intersection Challenge we congratulate the following teams:
1st Place: University of Toronto
2nd Place: Penn State University
3rd Place: Queen's University

In the Year 3 Construction Challenge we congratulate the following teams:
1st Place: University of Toronto
2nd Place: University of Wisconsin-Madison
3rd Place: Texas A&M

For Year 3 Overall Dynamics awards we congratulate the following teams:
1st Place: University of Toronto
2nd Place: Texas A&M
3rd Place: Virginia Tech

Congratulations to our award winners in the dynamic challenges! We are proud of your many accomplishments, and congratulate you on your hard work. We will have the awards shipped out to your universities in the coming weeks.

Additionally -- For reference, the fully compiled scores for all of Year 3 are now available in Series Resources under SAE International>Results>ADCII Y3 - Overall Results. All static transparency documents are also now available to teams in Series Resources under SAE International>Year 3 - Static Transparency.

We anticipate the competition photos and the highlight video will be available to you soon!

Have a great weekend and, again, congratulations to our winners!!!